CrossSummoner Wiki

Unit Information[]

0091 nanaru
Name Light of Everlasting Darkness Nannerl
Rarity Cost Eight
Attribute Dark Affiliation Royal Blood
Weapon Type Double-handed sword Attack Type Proximity
How to obtain Normal Summon And Rare Summon

Attack Information[]

Deathblow Cross Edge Unleash the dual attack to release the magic of the magic sword
Secret Technique Rias Blade all I bisect the enemy with a large sword which opens the power of the magic sword
Leader Skill Power of Darkness Attack Power 20% UP of Dark type
Passive Skill Intermediate Weight swordsmanship 3% attack for of Sword type
Passive Skill 2 - -

Status Resistance[]

Jyoutaiijyou 1
Jyoutaiijyou 2
Jyoutaiijyou 3
Jyoutaiijyou 4
Jyoutaiijyou 5
Jyoutaiijyou 6
- - Medium Weak - -

Unit Status[]

Initial Max Level 40 Additional HP 500
Initial HP 1860 Maximum HP 5750
Initial Attack 1020 Maximum Attack 4070
Initial Defense 980 Maximum Defense 3600
Additional Attack 200 Additional Defense 200
