CrossSummoner Wiki

Unit Information[]

0331 shall
Name Lucky Musketeer Shall
Rarity Cost 8
Attribute Fire Affiliation Royal Blood
Weapon Type Gun Attack Type Ranged
How to obtain Normal Summon, Rare Summon (All Areas)

Attack Information[]

Deathblow Flare chute I hurl the continuous attack of flame bullets shoot out the enemy
Secret Technique Lucky Strike To a large explosion that bullet that was fired accidentally target involving the enemy
Leader Skill The power of fire All fire units attack power is increased by 20%
Passive Skill Onslaught of Australian fire All fire units HP is increased by 20%
Story opens upon gaining the unit
Passive Skill 2 - -

Status Resistance[]

Jyoutaiijyou 1
Jyoutaiijyou 2
Jyoutaiijyou 3
Jyoutaiijyou 4
Jyoutaiijyou 5
Jyoutaiijyou 6
Weak - - Weak Weak Weak

Unit Status[]

Initial Max Level 40 Additional HP 200
Initial HP 1780 Maximum HP 7900
Initial Attack 1200 Maximum Attack 4900
Initial Defense 900 Maximum Defense 4280
Additional Attack 200 Additional Defense 200

Evolution Marterial[]

