CrossSummoner Wiki
CrossSummoner Wiki

Bnr detail 0016


Basically the event allows players to fight slimes at given intervals which drop materia. There is also a low chance for 3-star materia to drop. These materia are used as a consumable to units as shown in the tutorial. Possible material drops are hp/atk/def materia from lv1-3. As the name states, the materia increases the unit’s stat to either hp, atk or def.

Q: So what is materia? 

A:Materia can be split into two types, Raise Materia and Limit Materia. Raise materia are used to increase stats to a unit. Limit Materia is used to limit break units (instead of trying to roll another one). 

Time schedule (JST/GMT+9)

Date Time
9月15日 20:00~21:00
9月17日 20:00~21:00
9月19日 20:00~21:00
9月21日 20:00~21:00
9月23日 20:00~21:00
9月25日 20:00~21:00
9月27日 20:00~21:00
9月18日 20:00~21:00


• Materias are one time use

• Materias can only be used after getting past the tutorial for materia

• Materias that are obtained before the tutorial are retained but not usable